Quotation Explorer - 'Flip Wilson'

The cost of living is going up and the chance of living is going down. - Flip Wilson
You can't expect to hit the jackpot if you don't put a few nickels in the machine. - Flip Wilson
When you're hot, you're hot; when you're not, you're not. - Flip Wilson
Violence is a tool of the ignorant. - Flip Wilson
It takes 15,000 nuts to hold a car together, but only one to spread it all over the highway. - Flip Wilson
The cost of living is going up while the chances of living are going down. - Flip Wilson
Funny is an attitude. - Flip Wilson
The devil made me do it. - Flip Wilson
My show is my statement. What I have to say is on the screen. My life is my own. I don't want to talk about my private self. Why should I? - Flip Wilson
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